Categories of Drug Crimes and Penalties
The manufacturing, possession, and sale of controlled substances are forbidden by the federal and state drug crimes. However, whether the substances are illegal or legal usually depend on why and the way they are used. The unprescribed and unsupervised controlled substances can be dangerous to human being. Below are some of the federal and state drug crimes.
Paraphernalia is one of the categories. Drug paraphernalia involves the equipment that is used to inject, inhale or to prepare drugs that are not legalized. The sale, exporting or importing of any kind of paraphernalia is not authorized. The problem is that the drug paraphernalia is made in a way that makes them look as if they are used for lawful purposes.
Possession is among the forms of federal and state drug crimes. The drug possession laws are not similar they differ in terms of quality, drug type, and the states. Examples of possessions that one can be charged with are distributing, simple or constructive possession.
Manufacturing is another form you should know. Drug manufacturing refers to an act of growing or even to make any controlled substance and it entails producing, possessing or as well growing the elements that occur naturally and are utilized to make illegal drugs.
Trafficking also appears on the list of the types of crimes under federal and states. If you are a victim of drugs distributing and also trafficking the chances that you will be charged more are high because a lot of drugs are transported unlike for a victim who merely possesses the drugs.
Finally, you should know that dealing is part of the federal and state crimes. Drug dealing is where an individual sells controlled substances in small quantities. This crime is charged differently by different states.
There are penalties for drug crimes as there are those that range between 1 to 3 years imprisonment. It is also essential to note that the drug crimes penalty can extend to 15 years and that will depend on how often you have been participating in drug crimes. However, it is important to have an understanding that the drug laws will not be the same to all states and they will vary from one state to the other hence it is important that you get to them well.
There are states that consider drug crimes as harsh criminal penalties and that can result in enhanced punishment. In most cases, this law will apply when the drugs will be distributed to the minors or selling drugs new schools and any other protected area. These enhanced punishments are not similar and they will vary from state to state.