The Benefits of Yoga as Part of An Alcohol Abuse Treatment Program
Addictions often occur as a coping mechanism or as a way to satisfy an inner longing. Thus, a person who is under alcohol abuse treatment should learn to address their emotions and environment in more beneficial ways, such as practicing yoga. This is the reason many conventional rehabilitation centers today are integrating yoga into their overall treatment programs. Indeed, in the last few years, yoga has proven itself to be a perfect complement to orthodox alcohol abuse treatment, which generally works through chemical methods.
The following are the most common ways that yoga helps people working towards full addiction recovery:
Mind Healing
According to research, yoga has the ability to stop the dopamine surge that addicts are known to experience every time they take or imagine taking alcohol. Moreover, it was established that the heavy breathing patterns in specific forms of yoga – for example, Kundalini – promotes the release of the body’s own pleasure inducers known as endorphins. This indicates that yoga can control addictive behaviors and maintain safe dopamine functions in the brain.
Stress Management
Stressful scenarios can set off addictive behavior, including cravings. Just trying to remain sober can be extremely stressful for a recovering addict. As yoga encourages willpower and living a peaceful life, those in recovery can better handle all that stress, resist temptations, and gain total control over their bodies once again. Various types of yoga have different intensity levels, so people can pick what works the most for them. For example, yin yoga mostly involves meditation and passive stretching, while vinyasa yoga is much faster in pace and is designed to build strength. Bikram yoga is done in a hot room where the person can “sweat out” toxins. There are so many forms of yoga, including laughing yoga, which is said to boost the immune system, minimize pain and stress, and give happiness.
Spiritual Health
Yoga presents a spiritual environment to everyone, whatever their religious beliefs may be. Taking it slow, mindfulness and acceptance are essential to yoga and the health of the soul. Consistently allocating time for growth will definitely work for anyone seeking total recovery after alcohol abuse treatment.
Finding a Balance
Yoga helps a person find inner balance by promoting a healthy mind and body. For those who had once led a chaotic life, this balance is extremely beneficial.
Recovery is a long, typically very difficult process. By putting yoga on their road to recovery, people can learn new methods of handling stress and discovering their hidden strengths. When selecting an alcohol abuse treatment facility for a loved one, consider whether their treatment approach makes room for yoga therapy.