Stunning Sights That Everyone Must Visit on Their First Visit to France
France is among the best places to visit for people that love experiencing not just new and delicious food but also culture and adventure as well. There is so much to do when one visits France and one trip is never enough and neither is the second and the third which is the reason behind the numerous trips that people make to the destination year in year out. There are however some places that someone cannot afford to miss on their first trip to France regardless of how packed their schedule may be and if one feels like they cannot plan out so adequately, they can take these tours to ensure that they maximize their trip.
First on the list is the Eiffel Tower which everyone ensures that they visit every time they visit France as it allows one to view the entire city of Paris effortlessly not just from every side but different levels as well. There are tour guides that take one from one level to another while explaining how the tower was made as well as the different special info to ensure that one does not keep wondering around by themselves. There is no worrying about going out to get lunch the moment one enters the tower as the first floor specializes in serving not just lunch but the picnic style as well while at night, the place is unbelievably cute to look at all thanks to all the lights shining from every corner of the city.
Next on the list of the Notre Dame Cathedral which is free to visit but then one has to pay the set fee to climb the tower and a visit on a late Sunday morning when the mass is ongoing is both fun and fantastic at the same time. Attending the mass normally involves so much sitting and standing which most people do not like but anyone that visits this cathedral for the mass will absolutely love it and enjoy considering that they do not have to go through such stress. For people without any plans of attending the mass ,they can just hang around and read through the history of the worship center through the numerous storyboards and labels as well as roped off areas that are found on the premises. The people that are travelling to France currently can however not visit the church considering that it is still under repair and maintenance after the tragic fire incident that occurred recently. Other places to pay attention to include the River Seine, Musee d’Orsay, Louvre, The Castle of Rocamadour which was named as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Nimes and the city of Lille among many others.