How to Maintain Your Hairs Health in the Summer
Winter comes with the unachievable dreams of pool parties, summer concerts, and ice-cold drinks on the patio. Unfortunately, sun, sweat, and chlorine are some of the things that come with these activities, which can wreak havoc on your hair. You should not worry about going out just because you are worried about your hair’s health. By following this guide, you will be able to protect your hair from sun damage and have fun in the summer.
It’s going to be easier if you start with new trim. One of the best ways to stop the scorching summer sun from damaging your hair is by starting off with healthy hair, to begin with. This does not demand a lot from you since all you need is trim from your stylist. They find any damaged ends that would eventually turn into split ends and cut them off. It is advisable to get the trims regularly to keep the damage away. You can also talk to them about how to care for your particular hair care needs this summer. They may be in a position to recommend a hair cut that won’t demand much from you in terms of maintenance.
Get rid of the heat. Although you may enjoy all the warmth summer brings, your hair will not. The extra heat from the sting tools makes it much harder for your hair. Do not give in to the temptation of using curling irons, straighteners and blow dryers. Get your hair to dry to its maximum. If it is absolutely necessary that you use heat styling, try keeping the temperatures low. You blow dryer heat should be ow and not go past medium. Having a heat protectant product could come in handy.
Water could come in handy. Hair acts as a sponge when it is wet. You would not believe how much water is held in the open cuticles on your hair. Some other things included are the salts and chemicals your hair collects when you take a swim in the ocean or swimming pool. By using water, you will be able to effectively wash these off. Depending on your surroundings, you can use tap water or bottled water to rinse your hair before you go swimming. By doing this, you will be leaving no room for such harmful compounds to fill since the rinse will have already taken a the space.
Sunscreen could be of much help to your hair and scalp. Depending on your type of hair, UVA and UVB rays can do more damage than you imagine. If you have had your hair dyed, it is also going to get damaged since these rays oxidize the color.
Reference: Short Course on – Covering The Basics