3 Ways Google Adwords Can Help Grow a Business

Whether new businesses begin online or are bricks-and-mortar operations, they need the Internet to grow. Every day millions of potential customers search online for products and services. Most use search engines to find what they need and Google is the most popular. With that in mind, Google has created Adwords, a pay-per-click advertising platform that reaches people through a display network and a search network. The platform is so powerful it is central to many marketing campaigns.

Google Ads Work Better Than SEO

Every business website must be search engine friendly. Search engines use algorithms to rank website popularity, so site designs must include keywords that make it easy for search engines to find them. This process is known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and it is effective, but takes time. Google’s ad platform is faster and often more effective. It can focus on several keywords at a time and site owners can turn campaigns on or off at will.

Businesses Increase Brand Awareness

Advertising studies show that Google ads boost traffic, increase conversions, and effectively get the word out about specific brands. A search network shows ads to users who are actively searching for a company’s keywords. For example, a painting company can bid to have their name appear in every search for, “painters in Tallahassee.” Display ads work a little differently. The search terms that users input appear as banner ads on websites businesses think they are likely to visit. Even if potential customers are not actively seeking a product, its appearance might introduce the company to those who wouldn’t normally find it on their own.

Customers See Ads in Their Gmail

Google’s pay-per-click platform also harnesses the power of email marketing. Companies’ ads appear in the promotion tab of searchers’ Gmail accounts. Some also show up under the social tab. They will display on both mobile devices and desktops.

Most website traffic comes from search engines and Google is the most popular. With that in mind, millions of businesses increase traffic to their sites a Google pay-per-click advertising program that includes email ads. Used properly, it can increase business quickly and build brand awareness.